While the world continues to fight the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, the Chief Advisor of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr.. Bruce Aylward interviewed Time magazine about how to stop the coronavirus. With 30 years of experience against Ebola, polio and other diseases, Aylward is also one of the most authoritative people in the world responsible for fighting the coronavirus outbreak. Dr. Aylward said in his interview that some information about the future can be obtained with information from the places affected by the epidemic and said, “When you look back and look at China’s initial epidemic, they did everything. When you look right now, they will be able to survive the outbreak like the end of March 2020. In other words, it is a total of 3 months ”. It is not clear how the outbreak will continue: Evaluating the next six months, Dr.. Aylward also reminded that the flu season will begin by the end of the summer. Stating that the question of whether the coronavirus will create a ripple again during this period, the chief advisor said, it is unlikely that the coronavirus will disappear completely. Dr. Aylward stressed that the virus will either progress in ascending waves or continue as a low level disease. “There are a lot of things that depend on us as a country and society. “If we can test every case and quarantine every case quickly, we can manage to keep the number of cases low,” said Dr. Aylward, pointing out that the epidemic will come back in a small concession only if large-scale curfews are trusted without revealing every existing case. Noting that curfews save time, Dr. Aylward emphasized that the coronavirus epidemic was slowed down but not stopped. The consultant said that this time that the world gained with curfews should be evaluated by establishing a system where all individual cases are tested. According to Aylward, this will play an important role in stopping the outbreak. ‘Elderly population caused by high mortality rates in Italy’ He said he was worried about whether there would be a second big wave in China. Speaking to regional officials, where the number of cases is rare, Aylward stated that the administrators of these locations increased the number of beds in the hospital, purchased respirators and were prepared. Dr. “We don’t expect the coronavirus to disappear, but we expect social life, the economy, and the health system to work with the virus,” Aylward said. Explaining his opinions about why the epidemic took so many lives in Italy, Aylward said, “Italy is the second country in the world with an elderly population after Japan”. Dr. in evaluating about Iran. Alyward said that the number of cases increased due to the fact that the country’s administrators could not obtain efficient information from the regions. He has 30 years of experience in epidemics. Bruce Aylward emphasized that the coronavirus epidemic should be taken very seriously and that the world can overcome this epidemic by testing.