The new type of coronavirus (COVID-19), which first appeared in Wuhan, China and spread to the whole world in a very short time, has crossed a new limit in the number of diagnoses. COVID-19, which has moved its central point from China to Europe, and moved from there to the USA, has exceeded the 900 thousand limit according to the official statement made today. The coronavirus, which is transmitted to 911,308 people worldwide, caused 45,497 people to die. In this process, 191,673 people recovered. One in 20 people is dying When we look at the official statements worldwide, we see that the killing rate of the virus is around 5 percent. The possibility of killing the virus differs in each country. The virus made many more people die, especially in European countries. Italy, the leading country in this regard, reported that 110,574 people had positive coronavirus testing, while 13,155 of them died. According to this rate, we see that one in 8 people who died in coronavirus died in Italy. In the USA, coronavirus exceeds 200 thousand One of the countries that coronavirus is most affected by is the USA. When we look at the world, the most COVID-19 detections were made in the USA. According to the latest statement, coronavirus has been detected in 203.608 people in the USA so far. We see that 4,476 people lost their lives. When we look at the city where the epidemic is seen the most, we come across New York, one of the biggest metropolises in the world. In New York, it has been announced that 44,915 coronavirus tests have been positive so far. The number of people who lost their lives in the city has reached 1,139.