In Tesla’s share of Weibo, there is a dark envelope with the word “Tesla” on it. At the top of the envelope, roughly say, “Live as you mean your life. No game tricks. There is a very cryptic sentence translated as “all the enthusiasm from the heart. On the other hand, Tesla, especially CEO Elon Musk, is known to publish funny announcements in the first days of April. The US entrepreneur first announced that he would give important information to his followers on April 1, 2018, and then made the headline “Tesla went bankrupt” in his tweet. ‘Mysterious’ letter from Tesla: Musk shared his April 1 joke, “After the intense efforts to raise capital, we were saddened to report that Tesla was completely bankrupt as a last resort. He went so bankrupt that you can’t believe it. ” However, we will see if the current announcement is a joke. Tesla’s latest post on Weibo told social media followers that the mysterious message will be announced tomorrow. In the article under the envelope, “A mysterious letter is sent from Tesla. Please stay online to get the letter. We will meet with you tomorrow. ” The rumor ‘The new model of Model 3 is coming’: There are several possibilities regarding the content of Tesla’s encrypted letter. The letter is stated to be a sign that it will make an important statement about company activities or the current product range. Some social media users say the letter will announce the release date of the long-range model of Model 3 made in China. Tesla’s Gigafactory company in Shanghai produces Standard Range Plus versions of the Model 3 sedan. The sales price of the vehicle, which is well positioned in the Chinese market, is about 42 thousand dollars. There is no doubt that the company’s potential in the local market will be even greater with the addition of more variants.