Ridley Scott has said that he received a call from the legendary director to find out how he had achieved it: I remember Stanley Kubrick calling me to say: ‘How did you do it? I’ve put the scene in slow motion and I can’t see the cut. ‘ I told him everything and he said: ‘Ok, I have it, and it has worked for you’ ” Veronica Cartwright explained in her day how they managed to record it: “They had filled Hurt’s chest with shell remains and fake blood and threw us everything when we entered the take. The whole place was wrapped in plastic. Everyone was in raincoats. We were very surprised. They said it would stain a bit of blood: I did not expect that I was going to be splashed with a direct jet. They hit me directly in the face with the fake blood and from there came the famous ‘Oh, God’. It was recorded in one shot ”