New York Times takes Corona virus deaths to first page Hosting the most Pulitzer awarded journalists in the world, the distinguished newspaper NYT carried the names that lost their lives to the pressure of the market in order to draw attention to the losses in the USA. As with any newspaper, articles, photos or graphics are normally featured on the front page of the New York Times. The newspaper, which listed people who lost their lives due to the epidemic in its Sunday edition, announced that it took such a step in reference to the number of 100 thousand dishes, which is expected to be reached in the coming days.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 24, 2020 The US, which has been in the classroom since the first day of the outbreak of the Corona virus, has been criticized by many officials. In this context, when looking at the data of Johns Hopkins University, it turns out that his situation is serious. 342 thousand people around the world died due to this epidemic. Since the USA is very close to crossing the psychological limit of 100 thousand people and the Corona virus cases are found most frequently in New York, the center of the newspaper included approximately 1,000 names on the first page. Other names were on the back pages. Simone Landon, who is one of the editors of the newspaper who put forward this idea, says that since the beginning of the epidemic, she has examined all the obituaries in the country. This move, which has the feature of a monument for those who lost their lives, found a great impact on social media. While some say that this step is not journalism, only people are fed by their dark feelings, some people wrote that the Trump administration is responsible for those deaths. Others wrote that people who lost their lives were not just numbers.
— John Nery (@jnery_newsstand) May 23, 2020
The New York Times has covered its front page in a memorial to some of the victims, as the death toll approaches 100,000. — AJ+ (@ajplus) May 24, 2020
This is just objectively true. Neither the front page of the New York Times or Washington Post headlined Biden’s quote. — Essential Cernovich (@Cernovich) May 23, 2020