If Milton Friedman Were Alive Friedman came up with a clip where he talked about the need for an asset like BTC 18 years before Bitcoin was invented. It may be a bit creepy to think that the clip below was shot 30 years ago.
— Bitcoin (@Bitcoin) April 13, 2020 Friedman, the main advocate against today’s Keynesian government policies, developed a macroeconomic perspective known as “monetarism”. He argued that instead of printing money at the discretion of the FED, the money supply should expand slowly and steadily. Coronavirus and Bitcoin (BTC) Historical economy recovery packages, which we see as a precaution against coronavirus pandemics, will probably turn Friedman upside down in his grave. Friedman expressed his desire to have money under computer control in 1991, which was not intervened and could not adjust at the discretion of the policy. The video clip was posted on Twitter and naturally garnered likes, retweets, and applause. In some comments, the words “If he was still alive, he would have invested everything in Bitcoin”, “We will realize his dream Milton.” Bitcoin (BTC) is not the first digital currency Of course, given the fact that Bitcoin is the most successful experiment of decentralized money, protected against unauthorized access, running on computers (nodes), it may be easy to forget the digital assets that came before Bitcoin. David Chaum launched DigiCash in 1989, which uses cryptography for private payments and introduces the concept of public and private keys. The digital currency project, which can be transferred internationally without state control, has received considerable support from libertarians and small groups. Although DigiCash and other projects before Bitcoin did not gain momentum, Friedman was not unfamiliar with the fact that electronic money was needed. He believed this would happen in the future. In fact, he said the same year: One thing we are still missing and will develop soon is reliable e-cash. E-cash is a method in which money can be transferred from A to B on the Internet without knowing A and B. Bitcoin offers a viable alternative to fiat and is completely free from central actors. Will Friedman’s second wish come true? Will the FED be removed entirely? It will be interesting to watch how things will happen after this stage.