“Honestly, it has been a massive disruption: every one of our productions around the world is on hold,” said the executive. “I think this is something unprecedented in history. saw without a job, so we’re thinking of ways to keep productivity high ”. Sarandos stressed, however, that Netflix’s primary goal is to ensure that people are taking care of themselves during this troubled time: “They have to worry about themselves, first of all.” The company claims to have paid the wages and compensation of the disconnected teams at least two weeks in advance, before sending its members home. Interrupted productions include major series such as The Witcher. Regarding the audience, Sarandos was emphatic: every entertainment channel is, or should be, soon experiencing high access and views. “Everything is going up. Users are accessing Netflix more, watching CNN or broadcast TV more. The most important thing is, as the authorities say, that you stay indoors. So we are proud to be a part of that, to make this internal experience a little more profitable and tolerable ”. The CCO also stressed that “lack of content” will not be a problem for users. At least not at the moment. According to the executive, most of Netflix’s productions are conducted in advance, so situations such as mid-season gaps rarely impact the company or its catalog. He admits, however, that this could change if the current situation continues until the end of the year, without providing further details. European relief Sarandos also spoke briefly about Netflix’s decision to reduce the quality of its streamings to ease the load on internet traffic in Europe. Last week, European Union officials called on companies and services like Netflix, YouTube and Disney + to take the step for fear that the increase in audience volume on their services would lead to downfalls in the continent’s infrastructure, which could lead to complications for risky situations that depend on the internet. “All video providers are working with regulatory bodies in the European Union to reduce the bitrate of their attractions and alleviate stress on the Internet, ensuring that it remains available for emergency services. Obviously, we comply with this request and we will implement it in other parts of the world, as needed, ”he explained. The executive stressed, however, that the drop in video resolution would be “almost imperceptible” in the eyes of the viewer, implying that the experience of watching a movie or series on Netflix would be mostly of reduced impact for most.