The unusual thing, however, is that Shawn Mendes eventually confused Maisa with Larissa Manoela. The two have worked together on the soap opera “Carrousel”, as children, and are colleagues of SBT. “Shawn was very nice, he looked at me and said,“ Hi, are you Larissa? ”HAHAHAHA,” Maisa said, laughing at the situation. “Then he said he loved my look, for me to enjoy the show, thanked him for coming and I was like“ Man I’m happy to be here, thank you so much ”, continues, stating that hugged the singer and was super nervous. “It was super cute,” he adds. Asked if she said it wasn’t really Larissa after all, Maisa clarified. “I knew, I said no, I’m Maisa hahahah. Then he laughed,” he recalled. Larissa Manoela learned about the situation and even cried, super excited, on social networks. She says that she also intended to have a date with Shawn Mendes, but had to miss because of a professional commitment.