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The Star Wars actor started by saying that black lives have always been important, despite all the difficulties. He also remembered other black people who were victims of racism, as well as George Floyd, and concluded by saying that he doesn’t care if his film career will be affected after his position. “Black lives have always mattered. We have always been important. We always mean something. We always win, despite the difficulties. We are the physical representation of our support for George Floyd. We are a physical representation of our support for Sandra Bland. We are a physical representation of our support for Trayvon Martin. We are a physical representation of our support for Stephen Lawrence. I’m talking to you from my heart. I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after that, but it was *** ”. In the most emotional moment of his speech, Boyega spoke about violence against black women. “They are our heart, they are our future. We cannot demonize our fellow men, we are the pillars of the family. Imagine this: a nation that is built with families that are developing, that are healthy, that communicate, that raise their children with love, that are more likely to become better human beings, and that is what we need to create ”.