The CES 2020 exhibits many different products that push the boundaries of technology, but even if not there, one of the more interesting devices might be the Expanscape Aurora 7. Although this seven-screen laptop is still in the prototype phase, Expanscape says it even sells these prototypes. The company describes it as an “extremely modified / customized laptop” with a Core i9-9900K processor. It is also reported that the graphics side is the Nvidia GTX. This interesting notebook has a total of 7 displays, four of which are 17.3-inch 4K and the other three are 1920×1200 resolution. There is also an additional mini display that displays system status information and user-configurable content. Strange laptop with 7 screens “We noticed that there is demand for these computers in the software development, security and cyber security communities, and Expanscape will produce and sell our prototypes, even if they are not complete,” the company said in a statement. used the phrase. According to Expanscape, price and specifications will be released this week. Another prototype developed by Expanscape is as interesting as the 7-screen computer. The TeenyServ Duo combines a quad-core 8-threaded Intel i7 (4GHz +) processor, an NVMe SSD and 64 GB of RAM. Intel i7 processor and dual-screen laptop looks like this It is also interesting to note that the company does not list the address or telephone number on its website and that the information is coming soon. Maybe we can see the company next year with more screens and more crazy devices, fairs and events.