Previously, the processors appeared on some shopping sites, but the price information was not shared. Now, the prices of the processors are also published on the site. Intel 10th generation processors price determined While new Intel processors are eagerly awaited, price information for the processors has emerged. The price of the newest and most powerful processors i9-10900, i7-10700K and i7-10700 were shared by a Canadian website. The price entry of the site was welcomed before the early order period started. However, even if these prices are not exact, they gave the price information about the processors to the users. With 10 cores, 20 threads, 2.8 GHz basic operating speed, and 5.2 Turbo Boost operating speed, the i9-10900 got a price tag of $ 679 Canadian ($ 486). This showed that the high performance processor can meet users at a lower price than expected. The i7-10700K, which has 8 cores, 16 threads, 3.8 GHz basic operating speed, and 5.1 GHz Turbo Boost operating speed, had a price tag of $ 585 Canadian ($ 419). The processor, which will be a pioneer in the i7 family with its features, has slightly less performance than the i9-10900. The i7-10700 processor has the lowest price tag among the resulting processors. With 8 cores, 16 threads, 2.9 GHz base operating speed, and 5.0 GHz Turbo Boost running speed, the processor costs $ 506 ($ 362). This processor is also among the 10th generation processors in a good spot with its performance. After the prices appeared, the pages of the processors were removed from the site. After the competition between AMD and Intel has increased, the performance of the new generation processors is curious. Intel, which experienced a decrease in market share in 2019, wants to compensate for this situation.