— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) November 5, 2019 In October, Iggy Azalea tweeted that she and Pabllo have a studio session scheduled for December. They will enjoy the rapper’s coming to Brazil for a concert in Sao Paulo on December 15th. “We will make music in person. I’m very, veryoooo excited about it, ”he said at the time. So… it was no secret. https://twitter.com/IGGYAZALEA/status/1182609550781890560?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1182609550781890560&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fportalpopline.com.br%2Figgy-azalea-diz-que-tem-um-segredo-com-pabllo-vittar%2F Pabllo Vittar has just released the first part of the album “111” with four tracks. Will Iggy Azalea be in the second half? Will they make a video, like Pabllo did with Charli XCX for “Flash Pose”? You may also like.