Technology giant Google, so far has developed many applications and services. Some of them are well-liked by the users, while others have not been able to find the interest they have been waiting for, and after a while, they took their place on the dusty shelves of history. Allo was one of these Google applications. Google Allo, a messaging application, was announced at the Google I / O event on May 18, 2016, and was released for Android and iOS devices in the summer months of the same year. However, Allo’s life didn’t last long and Google unplugged the messaging application on March 12, 2019. Google Allo as a security threat Apparently, Google Allo, whose life was terminated last year, was seen as a security threat by some Huawei smartphones. Devices, users shut down the shutter a year ago, the application is “harmful” and warns that the application should be removed. This warning, which saw Google Allo as a threat, was first seen in the February 2018 Huawei P20 Pro. The Android Authority website also received a similar warning when it installed the same application on the Huawei Mate 20 Pro, released in November 2018. It is not known whether this warning is a problem caused by Huawei or if the security system of the smartphone manufacturer is giving Allo a shutdown. Huawei has not yet made an official statement.