By watching him make the clown every night around the table of Cyril Hanouna on C8, who would guess that Bernard Montiel is the friend of the all-powerful? This November 24, Le Parisien gives a nice portrait to the one who cultivates for several years of bonds of friendship kept secret with the big names of the country. If he proudly displays his friendship for David Hallyday and Laura Smet (he was invited to his wedding last June), Bernard Montiel is also a great friend of the presidential couple. Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron met him at Bercy a few years ago, at a time when the president was only Minister of the Economy. And if the Macron have recognized the former animator of Video Gag, the latter did not know them! “You are even more beautiful in real Emmanuel, come see, it is Bernard Montiel” would have balanced Brigitte Macron during their first exchange. The current President of the Republic, amused by the enthusiasm of his wife, would then have slipped: “I am very jealous, my wife loves you”. According to Charles Villeneuve, former leader of TF1, Bernard Montiel regularly talks with Emmanuel Macron, through the first lady: “I am told that he carries the president on his road trips, encouraged by Ms.” he says. He launched the wine festival in Bordeaux In addition to his friendship with the Macron, Bernard Montiel also cultivates other more surprising friendships, such as that which binds him to Prince Albert. The latter has also agreed to pay a tribute to his friend on television: “It is someone who wins to be known (I appreciate) his mischievous spirit, his humor: he likes to make jokes. He has such an extraordinary address book and always crispy stories to tell.I would like to see him more often, sometimes I need to laugh a little, “he said. Bernard Montiel also spent a lot of time with Alain Juppé, and almost became his communication director in Bordeaux. It is thanks to him that the former mayor launched the Wine Festival in 1998. François Hollande is wary of him Also, Alain Juppé is very friendly with Elsa Zylberstein and Claudia Cardinale, and appeared on the very restricted list of VIP guests at their weddings. Besides Brigitte Macron, Bernard Montiel is also very close to two other first ladies: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy invited him this summer to his concert of Lavandou, in the presence of Nicolas Sarkozy. Five years ago, he also welcomed Pilat Valérie Trierweiler, who was in the midst of a media storm following the revelation of the couple Julie Gayet and Francois Hollande. The latter has also long thought that Bernard Montiel had secretly co-wroteThank you for this moment.