Emily Ratajkowski has just made the buzz on Instagram. The young woman was immortalized with her darling Sebastien Bearc-MCclard. Complementary in life, they can also be achieved through clothing. Everything smiles at the beautiful Emily Ratajkowski! In February 2018, the young woman joined her life to that of Sebastien Bearc-MCclard. For their marriage, the lovebirds opted for simplicity. In fact, there were very few people present on the day of their union. And for D-Day, the top model chose a simple tailor from the Zara brand. Very classy, her ensemble suited her! On the web, Emily Ratajkowski’s subscribers did not fail to congratulate her. In any case, the young woman seems very happy in love. Although she has a busy career, the pretty brunette does not forget her husband. The businesswoman likes to share selfies of herself and her other half on the web. Unsurprisingly, his photos are often unanimous among his followers! EMILY RATAJKOWSKI: HIS LATEST PICTURES ARE BUZZING ON INSTAGRAM! Very active on her social networks, Emily Ratajkowski also likes to publish very entertaining posts for her fans. If sometimes she reveals her photo shoots, it is often her husband who immortalizes her. Not so long ago, the young woman had made the head of her community turn by posing topless in the Maldives. Know that it was his half who had photographed him. The pretty brunette is her muse, and this role suits her pretty well! In any case, Emily Ratajkowski has just released new photos of her and her lover. In the photos in question, the couple poses elsewhere with matching clothes. A white outfit for the top model, and an all-black look for Sebastien Bearc-MCclard. The cakes are very classy. With their clothes they are also complementary. In the comments thread, the compliments are also there. Well done Emily! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7TiSbLBkJC/?utm_source=ig_embed