The black part of DualSense and the blue bands behind the touchpad have been compared to a black dress hanging on a white hanger. Other consumers have gone further, such as the luquinha user on Twitter, saying that “the new PlayStation controller looks like a tank top,” referring to the slim-strap races used by regular gymgoers. Even the name of the new control received good-natured criticism, as it is a little suggestive. The gaming news site stated that DualSense “looks like the name of something that needs batteries and would be hidden under the bed”. Color scheme Some consumers did not like the contrast between black and white of DualSense, and decided to change the colors of the device. Unofficial versions of the all-black controller, still a Sony standard today, have been imagined by many users. Others colored the controller pink, blue and gray, as well as DualShock 4, predecessor of DualSense. More colorful appearances, inspired by Spider-Man and the overalls worn by Super Mario were also successful on social media. News Sony’s product manager, Toshimasa Aoki, confirmed extra information about DualSense through his Twitter account. The headphone jack, present in the predecessor DualShock 4, was maintained at launch. Thus, players can connect the headset to the joystick itself, which facilitates mobility, since most headphones do not have a wire large enough to connect to the console. The DualSense has a built-in microphone, in place of the speakers of its predecessor, which will facilitate communication between players. In addition, buttons with adaptive sensors will measure the player’s tension when pressing, which can change the strength of a bow and arrow, for example. Haptic sensors have also been added, and will deepen the immersion in the game, since actions within the game can be felt in the vibration of the control, such as driving a car on sand.