Following the inflations in the trading volumes from the stock exchanges, a new confidence index, which is valid in a total of 5,500 cryptocurrencies, was introduced in 22 thousand trading pairs. Currently, the stock market rankings, which were realized with a single parameter that came with the previous update, started to be based on three parameters: Volume, Liquidity and Web Traffic Factor.
Change in Volume tab
Reported Volume and Adjusted Volume have been removed because they cause confusion. Currently, only the Reported Volume will be shown to users under the volume heading.
Liquidity Score
The liquidity change was recently released and was made even more effective with a new update. While calculating the liquidity score, the volume of individual investors in an average order transmission will be taken into account. This volume covers orders between approximately $ 100 and $ 200,000. The next element is the depth of the order book in the trading pair. The last factor is the scissors width of the price of the instrument. If the last factor is given as an example, it works as follows: In cases where a user tries to trade at the instant price, the price closest to the index price is examined. The smaller the difference, the higher the score is defined.
Web Traffic Factor
Again, let us convey the features of this recently published index and move on to the confidence index. The factors that make up the Web Traffic Factor are as follows: Page Visits (20%) Number of unique visitors (15%) Bounce Rate (10%) Time spent on the site (5%) Similar sites ranking (25%) Keyword searches (25%) When the scores arising from these factors are examined, a score between 0 and 1000 appears. The first element that should not be overlooked here is the site always having 1000 points.
Latest index: Confidence Index
The trust index is a review of volumes belonging to trading pairs transmitted by exchanges and an indication of how much confidence these CoinMarketCap trusts them. When all data obtained by CoinMarketCap is analyzed by machine learning (liquidity, order book depth, web traffic factor), the score that is generated is defined as the confidence index. There are three titles in the confidence index: High Confidence Index 75% and above Medium Confidence Index 50% -75% Low Confidence Index 50% and below To see the trust index, simply click on the names of the cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap.